How to create Divs with Specific Images?


Viewed 70 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What is the best way to create Ivs with the images below using CSS? I would like my dashboard to look exactly like the image you have as an example.

I created two classes to try to insert, but the same gave problem and the image was cut.

    background-size: cover;


    background-size: no-repeat;

<c:if test="${realizadoSG < metaSG}">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="marca">
      <div class="meta metaFormat">META:
        <fmt:formatNumber value="${SG.rows[0].META}" type="currency"/>
      <div class="rel squareGray">ACUMULADO <br><br>
        <fmt:formatNumber value="${realizadoSG}" type="currency" /><br>
          <c:out value="${SG.rows[0].ACUMULADO}" />%</h2>

1 answer


If I understood correctly, I would do it this way:

Would use 3 Divs, one is the container with the background of the map of Brazil and would use two others internally to add the 2 other images.

<div class="bg">
  <div class="img"></div>
  <div class="img"></div>

And, I would use CSS grid to work the images' internal Divs. As far as I can see, the Divs are on a right and left margin (and are not centered on any axis)

.bg {
  padding-top: nPx; //valor em px da margem para cima
  padding-right: nPx; //valor em px da margem para a direita

  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: repeat(2, max-content);
  gap: nPx; //distância entre as duas imgs
  .img {
     background-size: cover;

If this is not what you want, I ask you to rephrase your question a little because I had difficulty understanding what you want to do, where you want to arrive and how is your situation at the moment (how is getting on your screen)

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