Nonlinear regression with dummie variables


Viewed 52 times


I am creating several models, to then make the selection based on Aicc. Among these models that I am creating, I have a categorical predictive variable (fire) that I need to include in the nonlinear regression model. The three models I need to run are:

fire_vertical <- nls(R~0.23-exp(A*lnNt+C)+d*fire,

fire_lateral <- nls(R~0.23-exp((A*lnNt)+(C+d*fire)),

fire_nonlinear <- nls(R~0.23-exp((A+d*fire)*lnNt+C),

Considering the following data:

R <- c(0.02,0.00,-0.06,0.11,0.06,0.00,-0.05,-0.06,

lnNt <- c(6.14,6.14,5.76,6.42,6.81,

fire <- c("before","before","before",

Where lnNt is a continuous predictive variable, while fire is a categorical predictor with three levels: before, afterone, aftertwo. I need to transform the fire into a dummie variable and make the three models presented spin this way.

Anyone who can help, I’d like to thank.

  • Instead of turning into dummy, turn into factor and try to see what you can do. Almost all (or even all) R modeling functions recognize characters or factors and automatically create Dummies, it is not necessary to do it manually

  • But if you want to create Dummies, see the package Dummies or the package dummy.

  • Hi Rui. I tried to do as you suggested, but could not run any of the models. The following error message appeared: "Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], Names(Ind), env) : Obtained missing or infinite value when evaluating the model In addition: Warning messages: 1: In Ops.factor(d, fire) :'not Meaningful for factors 2: In Ops.factor(d, fire):' not Meaningful for factors"

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