Limit payment options to Paypal accounts only (credit card not)


Viewed 557 times


I’m doing the Paypal Express Checkout API integration.

When the paying customer actually goes to the Paypal website to enter his or her details in order to make the payment, you are presented with the following options:

Captura de Tela

  • Payment with Paypal account
  • Payment by Credit Card


In this particular integration, the payments to be made via Paypal must be limited to Paypal accounts, that is, the credit card option must be unavailable or not appear in full.

In the API documentation (English) I have not found any reference to this or option to indicate that I do not want the credit card option to be displayed.

Parameters sent to the API

In the function below, the various parameters are prepared that indicate to the API what is intended to be presented to the paying person as well as the layout of the page on the Paypal side:

 * Prepares the parameters for the SetExpressCheckout API Call.
 * @param string $token             Internal security token
 * @param string $cartLinesArr      The cart lines to build the url string.
 * @param string $cartTotalsArr     The cart products and delivery total.
 * @return array                    Response array from Paypal
public function callShortcutExpressCheckout($token, $cartLinesArr, $cartTotalsArr) {

  //get all details about this transaction
  $transactionArr = $this->getClientData($cartTotalsArr);

   * Buyers Address and Contacts
  $shiptoAddress = "&SHIPTONAME="        . urlencode($transactionArr["firstName"]." ".$transactionArr["lastName"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOSTREET="      . urlencode($transactionArr["address"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOSTREET2="     . urlencode($transactionArr["address2"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOCITY="        . urlencode($transactionArr["city"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOSTATE="       . urlencode($transactionArr["state"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=" . urlencode($transactionArr["countryCode"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOZIP="         . urlencode($transactionArr["zipCode"]);
  $shiptoAddress.= "&SHIPTOPHONENUM="    . urlencode($transactionArr["contact"]);

   * Cart Items
  $c = 0;

  if ($cartLinesArr) {

    foreach ($cartLinesArr as $cartLine) {

      $PAYPAL_CART_ITEMS.= "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER" . $c . "=" . urlencode($cartLine["id"]);
      $PAYPAL_CART_ITEMS.= "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME"   . $c . "=" . urlencode($cartLine["name"]);
      $PAYPAL_CART_ITEMS.= "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT"    . $c . "=" . urlencode($cartLine["price"]);
      $PAYPAL_CART_ITEMS.= "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY"    . $c . "=" . urlencode($cartLine["quantity"]);

   * Construct the parameter string that describes the
   * SetExpressCheckout API call in the shortcut implementation
  $nvpstr = "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT="           . urlencode(numberFormat($transactionArr["shippingVal"]+$transactionArr["chargeValue"]));
  $nvpstr.= "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT="       . urlencode($transactionArr["chargeValue"]);
  $nvpstr.= "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT="   . urlencode($transactionArr["shippingVal"]);
  $nvpstr.= "&RETURNURL="                      . urlencode(PAYPAL_RETURN_URL.$token);
  $nvpstr.= "&CANCELURL="                      . urlencode(PAYPAL_CANCEL_URL.$token);
  $nvpstr.= "&ADDRESSOVERRIDE=1";
  $nvpstr.= $shiptoAddress;
  $nvpstr.= "&ALLOWNOTE="                      . urlencode(PAYPAL_ALLOWNOTE);
  $nvpstr.= "&HDRIMG="                         . urlencode(PAYPAL_USE_LOGOTYPE);
  $nvpstr.= "&LOCALECODE="                     . urlencode(PAYPAL_LOCAL_CODE);
  $nvpstr.= "&EMAIL="                          . urlencode($transactionArr["email"]);
  $nvpstr.= $PAYPAL_CART_ITEMS;
  $nvpstr.= "&LANDINGPAGE="                    . urlencode(PAYPAL_LANDING_PAGE);
  $nvpstr.= "&NOTETOBUYER="                    . urlencode(I18N_ESHOP_PAYPAL_NOTES);

   * Make the API call to PayPal
  return $this->hash_call("SetExpressCheckout", $nvpstr);


How to pass a parameter to the Paypal API so that the same limit the payment options that are presented to the paying customer, where it is only intended to accept payments via Paypal accounts?

  • when vc "Pay by card" in paypal, it asks email and password, creating an account for the user, or is not like this anymore?

  • @Now, I assume it’s still that way, but the question here is: Credit Card Payments have a high rate and my client intends, in such cases, to resort to a solution other than Paypal. However, as a very potential customer has a Paypal account, he intends to accept these paypal account payments to paypal account.

  • but after logging in, there is still the possibility to pay with Credit Card, after logging in

  • I believe that Paypal does not offer these conditions, please see

  • @Ernandes This with "Express Checkout" ? The paying customer goes from the web-site to Paypal, identifies himself paid and is "wiped" to the web-site again... If you indicate that he cannot use a Credit Card, you only get a chance to pay with money in your paypal account. I think we have resolved the issue as a whole (if there really is such a parameter or way of controlling this)!

  • @Thanks for this link, I’ve been reading and gave tips to conduct research on the subject otherwise... I’m trying to find more information!

  • In the Setexpresscheckout Api just add: solutiontype=mark

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1 answer


Paypal does not allow such blocking, the only locks available are:

  • Block US People payments with no confirmed email address
  • Block payments in currencies other than your account
  • Block accidental payments (same invoice number be paid more than once)
  • Block payments from people with non-US Paypal accounts
  • Block Payments Sent Separately ("Send Money to Someone")
  • Block payments via eCheck

It would be a good resource to be added


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