Hey there, guys! I’m new to programming and I’ve been studying Python for a few weeks. I am working on a program that basically, picks a price whatever you type (in Real) and applies a percentage to more according to two options defined in a menu and returns it updated in an Output. Your GUI was created using the Pysimplegui library.
The program runs perfectly. However, when closed, Pycharm accuses: Process finished with Exit code 1
When converting it to exe, the program runs correctly, however, when it is closed, an error appears in a box written "Failed to execute script taxa.py" and when passing it to another computer, it does not even open, just appears this error.
I know the code is far from perfect, but I would like to know what I should do to make it work properly.
The version of Python I use is 3.8
Here is the program code:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from decimal import Decimal
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
class Tela:
def __init__(self):
# Layout
layout = [
"Taxa 1",
"Taxa 2"],
key='opcoes', size=(27, 0), pad=(15, 10))],
[sg.Text('Digite o valor a ser calculado:', pad=(30, 0))],
[sg.Input(key='valordigitado', size=(40, 0), pad=(0, 10))],
[sg.Button('Calcular', pad=(80, 0), bind_return_key=True, size=(30,0))],
[sg.Output(size=(30,20), key='output')]
# Janela
self.janela = sg.Window('Aplicadora de taxas',
size=(250, 460)).layout(layout)
def iniciar(self):
taxa01 = 1.15
taxa02 = 1.30
while True:
# Extrair os dados da tela
self.button, self.values = self.janela.Read()
opcoes = self.values['opcoes']
valordigitado = self.values['valordigitado']
if ',' in valordigitado:
if '.' in valordigitado:
valordigitado = valordigitado.replace('.', '')
valordigitado = valordigitado.replace(',', '.')
valordigitado = Decimal(valordigitado)
print('Digite um número válido.')
if opcoes == 'Taxa 1':
valordigitado = valordigitado * Decimal(taxa01)
elif opcoes == 'Taxa 2':
valordigitado = valordigitado * Decimal(taxa02)
print('Digite um número válido.')
print(f'R$ {locale.format_string("%.2f", valordigitado, grouping=True)}')
You wrote the script with lack of configuration,I will send you the corrected code soon.... And with explanation! Also no need to use class in Pysimplegui, no POO use required .
– Dev Python e Java