Consuming SOAP in Flutter, storing Cookie


Viewed 84 times


Good morning everyone, I’m having a hard time, I need to consume a WS in SOAP, when I use Postman works, but when I try to work with the data in Flutter, it’s not working, I think it’s something in the body of the message, has anyone been there ?

No Flutter, status = 0 means I didn’t authenticate, the status = 1 returns a key, which I must store for later requests

Future<void> _getAuth() async {
    String headerAuth = "<serviceRequest serviceName='MobileLoginSP.login>'" +
        "<requestBody>" +
        "<NOMUSU>juliano.conceicao</NOMUSU>" +
        " <INTERNO>1d9fc5e6</INTERNO>" +
        "</requestBody>" +

    final response = await
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "text/xml",
      body: headerAuth,

    print("body: ${response.body}");
//resposta do Body

I/flutter (10728): cocokie: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I/flutter (10728): <serviceResponse serviceName="MobileLoginSP.login" status="0" pendingPrinting="false" transactionId="3EAFA46D5B5470393F3858D97ADD025B"><statusMessage><![CDATA[RWxlbWVudCB0eXBlICJzZXJ2aWNlUmVxdWVzdCIgbXVzdCBiZSBmb2xsb3dlZCBieSBlaXRoZXIg
I/flutter (10728): YXR0cmlidXRlIHNwZWNpZmljYXRpb25zLCAiPiIgb3IgIi8+Ii4=
I/flutter (10728): ]]></statusMessage></serviceResponse>

Using the Postman

<serviceRequest serviceName="MobileLoginSP.login">

Body de Retorno note status = 1 de sucesso

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serviceResponse serviceName="MobileLoginSP.login" status="1" pendingPrinting="false" transactionId="2BC5A4E9EC98C6ECB75AC998E2E74AA5">

1 answer


Hello, I think you’ve mistaken the position of ', placed after login> the ', and got the wrong syntax and try to invert the quotes by apostrophes. The quotes you leave to "Mobileloginsp.login". See below.

 String headerAuth = '<serviceRequest serviceName="MobileLoginSP.login">' +
            '<requestBody>' +
            '<NOMUSU>juliano.conceicao</NOMUSU>' +
            ' <INTERNO>1d9fc5e6</INTERNO>' +
            '</requestBody>' +

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