Internal link problem using pure Javascript


Viewed 45 times


Good morning, late or evening to all. I’m having a hard time trying to make a navigation menu with internal link using pure Javascript.

The problem is that I’m probably trying to is that I’m not being able to capture the user’s data, but I don’t know what’s wrong, the browser developer tool (Chrome) says that the node[0] should be [3]. Links "ids" are added

const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.menu a');

menuItems.forEach(item => {
  item.addEventListener('click', scrollToIdOnClick);

function getScrollTopByHref(element) {
  const id = element.getAttribute('href');
  return document.querySelector(id).offsetTop;

function scrollToIdOnClick(event) {
  const to = getScrollTopByHref( - 150;

function scrollToPosition(to) {
    top: to,
    behavior: "smooth",
  <ul class="menu">
      <a href="#menu">Home</a>
      <a href="#quemSomos">Quem Somos</a>
      <a href="#produtos">Nossos Produtos</a>
      <a href="#contato">Contato</a>

2 answers


I believe that querySelectorAll would have to be like this:

const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('');
  • Good evening Rafael, I tried to change how you guided but the nodeList remains zeroed instead of being like [3]


Dude, I don’t understand your real problem. But the code you posted won’t work.

'Cause the error in that code is in those two lines

 const id = element.getAttribute('href');
 return document.querySelector(id).offsetTop;

First line returns to variable the href you clicked, for example "#menu"

Then you are trying to do Document.querySelector("#menu"), but there is no such id in html, so it does not find offsetTop.

You need to add ids to the... id="menu", id="whomeWe" links and so on

  • Good note Julio the Ids are properly glued, I’m suspecting that I’m not able to capture the data because the nodeList is zeroed and should be [3]. But thanks for your help!!

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