Error with nodejs/authentication/middleware


Viewed 32 times


I’m having a problem logging in to the blog, the problem is: when trying to log in the first time with a user 0 (without being admin) it keeps loading the page and goes nowhere, but after I click on another tab or reload the page is logged in, only happens if I do this, if I try to log in with an admin user (1) it normally performs the access, I log in and try to log back in user 0 it works correctly. I think it’s a problem with the middleware but I couldn’t find that authentication flaw

An excerpt from the authentication code:

module.exports = {
    pAdmin: function(req, res, next){

            return next();

        req.flash("error_msg", "Você precisa ser um professor")



Note: I’m still new.

Does anyone know what might be going on?

  • 1

    1: How is the login being done? Normally we generate a token in the registration and login 2: Are you passing the token correctly? headers:{"Authentication":" token code "} 3: Are you using oq to test your API? Insomnia?

  • I’m using Passport-locals, I’m new, apparently everything is OK with the code, I noticed that the user was logged in but did not move on, as if missing a next(), I did a gambiarra with javascript where I redirect it to the home page, so it "hangs" the next()I believe that for something initial it must be working, but I also know that it is not the right thing to do.

  • Javascript, but are you using React-Native, reactjs or others as front? Normally we do nothing within middleware.

  • I’m using the Handlebars

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