Error hiding menu based on user permissions


Viewed 1,229 times


Hello, I had a method to control access to menus, based on permissions. But the nothing stopped working and I get the error: "Unable to link at runtime to a null reference"

I don’t know what was changed for that to happen.

Follow the code where I make the comparison:

In my model I have an ENUM, with possible profiles:

public enum Perfil
    /// <summary>
    /// Permissão para Envio, Listagem e Visualização dos arquivos.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Permissão para Envio, Listagem, Visualização, Análise e Sincronização dos arquivos.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Todas as permissões, inclusive inclusão de novos usuários para acesso ao sistema.
    /// </summary>

And in the model I have an attribute with the profile of each user:

 [Display(Name = "Perfil")]
    public string sPerfil { get; set; }

In my authentication class, I have the following code, to see whether or not the user is with permission:

public class CustomAutenticacaoAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    public IAutenticacaoProvider autenticacaoProvider { get; set; }

    private string msgErro;

    private string[] perfilComPermissao;

    public CustomAutenticacaoAttribute(Perfil[] perfil)
        perfilComPermissao = new string[perfil.Length];

        for (int x = 0; x < perfil.Length; x++)
            perfilComPermissao.SetValue(perfil[x].ToString(), x);

    protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        if (!autenticacaoProvider.Autenticado)
            msgErro = "Você precisa estar autenticado para acessar essa página";
            return false;
        if (perfilComPermissao.Length > 0 && !perfilComPermissao.Contains<string>(autenticacaoProvider.UsuarioAutenticado.Perfil))
            msgErro = "Você não tem permissão para acessar essa página com suas credenciais.";
            return false;
        return true;

    public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)

    protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
        filterContext.Controller.TempData["Mensagem"] = msgErro;



And in the view I just make the following mark:

 @if (ViewBag.UsuarioAutenticado.Perfil.Equals(PortalRH.DomainModel.Entities.Perfil.FUNCIONARIO.ToString())
                             || (ViewBag.UsuarioAutenticado.Perfil.Equals(PortalRH.DomainModel.Entities.Perfil.ADMINISTRADOR.ToString())))
                            <li>@Html.ActionLink("Todos", "Index", "Requerimento")</li>

It was working perfectly, but I made some changes to the code, to my controllers, and I don’t know what could have caused it. Someone would know how to help me?

  • Use the Visual Studio Debug and insert Breakpoints into your methods to identify where the error occurs. It’ll make it easier to help him.

  • I looked at Debug, and warned that it was null. I treated this error, but the error persisted.

1 answer


I switched the View authentication from:

 @if (ViewBag.UsuarioAutenticado.Perfil.Equals(PortalRH.DomainModel.Entities.Perfil.FUNCIONARIO.ToString())
                         || (ViewBag.UsuarioAutenticado.Perfil.Equals(PortalRH.DomainModel.Entities.Perfil.ADMINISTRADOR.ToString())))


 @if (ViewBag.Perfil == "ADMINISTRADOR" || ViewBag.Perfil == "FUNCIONARIO")
                            <li>@Html.ActionLink("Todos", "Index", "Requerimento")</li>

And it worked correctly. I don’t know if this is the best way, or if it’s the right way, but it’s working.

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