How to decrease touchpad scroll sensitivity in Vscode?


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I’ve literally already searched and found no option in the Vscode to solve this problem in scroll of touchpad, because when you are editing the code and want to go to a certain section and if it is slided to both directions up, right, down and left is very fast the sensitivity of the scroll.

Sensitivity of the Touchpad

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Mouse Sensitivity

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In the computer settings have to decrease, but will usually effect when using the touchpad in other programmes on Vscode has no option to decrease the sensitivity and leave similar to the mouse?

  • 1

2 answers


Good I’m not sure it will work because I don’t have the environment to test precisely. But here are some configs that can help you

First in option Editor: Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity place a value less than 1, guy 0.2 or 0.1. This event should reduce the sensitivity of Touch tb.

"editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": 0.2

Then uncheck the option Editor: Scroll Beyond Last Line, thus the scroll will always stop at the last line of code and not there at the end of the page as shown in your image.

"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false

And finally, activate the Smooth, "Editor: Smooth Scrolling, this can help to further attenuate the speed of the scroll, or at least give a kind of delay that will help you see the code passing more "calmly" on the screen.

"editor.smoothScrolling": true

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  • worked here friend, slowed down a little the speed of the touchpad scroll, but even so continues a little fast the options also affect the mouse leaving the sensitivity of the same slow when it moves the options.

  • @felipecardozo think you can’t individually configure mouse speed and touch, it’s a config just for the two... In your Operating System config you may have more options...


Here you decided to follow @hugocsl’s tip, but set the "Editor: Mouse Wheel Scroll Sensitivity" to a very low decimal value, e.g. 0,0045. In this, the mouse scroll practically does not work anymore, and a half-solution (that works) for this is settar the "Editor: Fast Scroll Sensitivity" for 1000, that way while holding ALT it is possible to use the mouse scroll normally.

Note: The effect of this fix apparently on the file list seems to be partial.

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