Error implementing simple AI in C#


Viewed 45 times


I wonder if someone could help me, if there is a simple example or nuget for AI, which is exclusively in C# for object recognition and OCR reading, using a pre-trained model (Onnx for example). I would like to use a video stream so it can’t be Azure or Google (paid), but if you have a free static image example already help.

I tried that Yolo but it’s not working

using (var yoloWrapper = new YoloWrapper("yolo9000.cfg", "yolo9000.weights", "9k.names"))
 var items = yoloWrapper.Detect(@"webcapture.jpg");

error appears

  Message=Não é possível carregar a DLL 'x64\yolo_cpp_dll_cpu.dll': Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado. (Exceção de HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
  • the error message seems very clear... you don’t have all the necessary references added to the project... now your question has nothing to do with the code presented. For video capture and processing, you can look at the Opencv libraries

  • Thank you for your reply. The reference appears both in the visual studio and in the folder without errors or alerts, I saw that other people had this problem, so I was looking for something similar in C#, have any suggestions?

  • You have checked whether this library is compatible with the. net version you are using?

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