VBA-Excel: Range of a cell contained in a variable


Viewed 238 times


I need to take the contents of cells identified in a variable. It is possible?


VTI40 = "J44"
VTF40 = "J47"
VTI39 = "H44"
VTF39 = "H47"

QtdVal = Range("B60").Value

QtdInv = 40 - QtdVal

For i = 40 To QtdInv Step -1
    VTI = "VTI" & i
    VTF = "VTF" & i
    CelI = Range(VTI).Value   -> Aqui o conteúdo da célula "J44"
    CelF = Range(VTF).Value   -> Aqui o conteúdo da célula "J47"
Next i
  • I suggest using .Cells() in this loop and not Range. But do a [mcve] with the table data as it is difficult to visualize this way. Create in example with fictitious data.

  • 1

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1 answer


Want to copy the values of certain cells and put in a single variable.

valor = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Folha9").Range("A" & 20, "E" & 20)

In this example we take the values from A 20 to E 20. The variable "value" will consist of 5 values (which is found in A20, B20 to E20). You would need to cycle to put these values into a string.

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