How I create a CRUD structure with PHP


Viewed 215 times


I want to create a CRUD communication in PHP, taking information from the administrative panel to the main page. As a blog, however, with all editable codes.

  • Let me get this straight, you want to create a simple PHP blog where the blog information (like posts and comments) is in a database. That’s it?

  • 2

    If you still need to learn everything you said in your other question, the explanations here would have to be too long for the format of this site. I suggest you choose a starting point (take a look at the Wordpress), and come back here with more punctual questions.

  • Yes, Victtor. This is the structure I wanted. If I had any ready, I would get a sense and start developing.

  • My website:

  • I adhered to an interesting template, but I can’t find where to edit this information. The information I edit in the panel is not able to change some things, maybe, has to be changed in the central html.

  • 1

    Did you see the link I put with the Wordpress documentation? And please do not use the answer area below to reply to the comments here. Use the add comment link. Thanks.

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1 answer


Have you heard about Static Site Generator?

"Briefly speaking, static generators use various features that we are used to using in programming languages such as includes, loopings, templates, among other cool things. But... generates an HTML, no database, no server-side dependencies, everything is generated in a pure and simple HTML."

Source: felipefialho

They are perfect for blogging or similar. I use Jekyll to manage my blog. But it is done in Ruby, since you use PHP I recommend the Sculpin. It is very simple to use. Look at the documentation. In less than 3 minutes you have your content posted on the web!

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