Get the size of a div in pixels


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I want to make a grid of images where they fit. I had already done the Divs grid and just wanted to put the background of an image, but when I try the images are wrong. How do I get the pixel value of each div?

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This is my grid code, I wanted to get the exact or approximate pixel size of each one, would it be possible?

  • Wrong as? What’s wrong in the grid?

  • The grid nothing, however at the time of putting a photo, the snaps are not perfect, I’ve tried several sizes and nothing, so I just wanted to know the size of this correct div, to put a background in image, this using center, no repeat

  • Have you tried with background-size: cover; ?

  • I was able to, but this 1 gave problem, this must be in relation to the image size print:

1 answer


I’ll answer your question, but I really don’t know if she’ll solve your problem...

You can use the method .getBoundingClientRect() and take the height and width of the element. You can read a documentation about it here:

Note that in the console will return the width and height of div, plus 2px concerning the border ;)

let el = document.getElementById("meuElemento").getBoundingClientRect();
console.log('largura: ' + el.width, 'altura: ' + el.height);
#meuElemento {
  width: 200px;
  height: 150px;
  border: 1px solid #000;
<div id="meuElemento">123</div>

  • It says that the value is empty, even if I did a search to see if I get the value of Classname, gave the same problem

  • @Christianobourguignon It is pq maybe you have to use a . foreach() to catch the . querySelectorAll() depends on the way you are doing in your JS, but there is another question and I recommend you open another question...

  • I would be able to enter in my site and to obtain the value there, one thing I discovered is that the width is 1004 px

  • @Christianobourguignon has yes, enter your site opens the Devtools Console and runs the Script there

  • Perfect, I’ll try it

  • The strange thing is that when I type, display becomes None

  • Nothing appeared on the console yet

  • Can you test? site in question is

  • @ChristianoBourguignon

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