PHP page does not receive data via POST


Viewed 198 times


I’m having a problem, for some reason my script does not receive data from a form, however if I send the form to the same page, it gets.

Following form:

<form method="POST" action="/pjf/API/login.php" class="form-signin bg-white rounded border shadow p-5" id="formulario">
          <div class="text-center mb-4">
            <h1 class="h3 mb-3 font-weight-normal">BEM-VINDO</h1>
            <p>Insira seus dados de login e senha corretamente.</p>

          <div class="form-label-group">
            <input type="text" id="inputEmail" name="login" class="form-control btn-circle" placeholder="Login" required autofocus>
            <label for="inputEmail">Login</label>

          <div class="form-label-group">
            <input type="password" id="inputPassword" name="pass" class="form-control btn-circle" placeholder="Senha" required>
            <label for="inputPassword">Senha</label>

          <button class="btn btn-lg btn-outline-primary btn-block btn-circle" type="submit" name="submitt">ENTRAR</button>
          <p class="mt-5 text-muted text-center">Login Teste - 2020</p>

Follows PHP code

  echo $_POST['login'];

I know the data is sent because if I take the action, the form page itself receives and shows the data.

  • As to the question, enter the directory structure.

  • The folder pjf would be the root directory. The form page is the following structure: 'pjf/log-in/auth/13350044395f1e6bc5ac5fb/l/0/'. The PHP receiver page is in the following structure: 'pjf/API/login.php'.

  • Dude, there are too many variables left to come up with! But I suggest putting the full URL in the action: 'http://................ /API/login.php"

2 answers


Friend if u do not post the directory path correctly your post will not work, your action is action="/pjf/API/login.php", but vc informs the following directory structure pjf/log-in/auth/13350044395f1e6bc5ac5fb/l/0/login.php, assuming the post target would be in the folder 0/ and supposing that your form file was in the root folder your action would be action="log-in/auth/13350044395f1e6bc5ac5fb/l/0/login.php". I hope I’ve helped...


The problem appears to be the path used in your action. When you start using the "/" character, this indicates the root of your server. That is if you are running on localhost, literally he will search in http://localhost/pjf/API/login.php

You have two options. The first work with the relative path is without the character "/" at first, so from the directory in question he will look in the way. Let’s assume your form is in "http://localhost/system/index.php", and the action point to "pjf/API/login.php", your literal path will be "http://localhost/system/pjf/API/login.php".

The second option would be to put the action with the full path, for example "http://localhost/system/pjf/API/login.php" so there would be no error. I stress that this second option would only be smart using a function to return the path, because if you were to play this to a server in the cloud, you would have to change the localhost everywhere you use that term. Prefer to use the relative path, first option given.

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