Ruby Gem carrierwave-ftp in Heroku returns Net error::Ftppermerror (500 I won’t open a Connection to


Viewed 12 times


I am using Gem carrierwave-ftp and dev localhost works normal but in Heroku it resumes the error below: Net::Ftppermerror (500 I won’t open a Connection to (only to zzz.zzz.zzz. ) Below is a sample of my configuaracao file.

CarrierWave.configure do |config|
  config.ftp_host = ""
  config.ftp_port = 21
  config.ftp_user = "meuusuario"
  config.ftp_passwd = "minhasenha"
  config.ftp_folder = "/public_html/meuhost/minhapasta"
  config.ftp_url = ""
  config.ftp_passive = false # false by default
  config.ftp_tls = false # false by default
  config.cache_storage = :file

I searched a lot, in Igles, Chines, Japones and etc but without success.

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