Good afternoon, I am validating the data of a form with Yup and need that only images can be loaded, so I used the following code:
// formato que pode ser upado no input de email
const formatosSuportados = [
// Validação das entradas
const EsquemaDeValidacao = Yup.object().shape({
email: Yup.string().email().required('enter email'),
corpo: Yup.string().max(500, "Too Long!").required('enter any message'),
arquivo: Yup.mixed().nullable().test('fileFormat', 'Unsupported Format', arquivo =>
arquivo && formatosSuportados.includes(arquivo.type)
The problem is that the file is mandatory for me to be able to send the email. It does not trigger any error, only it does not send if it has no file uploaded.
I’ve tried with nullable
and notRequired
, there’s some other way to do it?
It worked, thank you!!!
– Braga Us