Error sending email with Sendgrid in Nodejs


Viewed 62 times


I have the following structure to send emails by SendGrid:

import mail from '@sendgrid/mail';

function send(email_data) {

  const message = {
    from: email_data.from,
    subject: email_data.subject,
    text: email_data.text,

  return mail.send(message);

export default send;

In my Controller, I call method send as follows:

import mail from '../../services/sendgrid';

    const email_data = {
      to: '[email protected]',
      from: '[email protected]',
      subject: 'Deposito realizado',
      text: 'Foi feito um deposito na sua conta ...',

But the following error is displayed to me:

(node:7963) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: _sendgrid2.default.send is not a function

  • This will probably be import error. You exported the function send as default, but is trying to summon her as mail.send. Include in the code how you imported this module.

  • imported as follows. I put up

1 answer


Yes, that’s an import error.

Modules export objects in Javascript, default is only one of the properties of this object. When you import the module, you can choose what you want to import:

// isso importa a propriedade default e a renomeia para metodo_1
import metodo_1 from "modulo"

// isso importa as demais propriedades via desestruturação
import { metodo_2, propriedade_1 } from "modulo"

// isso importa todas as propriedades e as colocam dentro do objeto tudo
// você pode acessa-los como tudo.default, tudo.metodo_2, tudo.propriedade_1
import * as tudo from "modulo"

Like send is being exported as default, when it comes time to care you should do

import send from '../../services/sendgrid';

const email_data = {
  to: '[email protected]',
  from: '[email protected]',
  subject: 'Deposito realizado',
  text: 'Foi feito um deposito na sua conta ...',


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