Internal Server Error Importing ASP.NET Project in Visual Studio Code 2019


Viewed 25 times


Hello, I’m a beginner in ASP.Net MVC and I’ve been trying to open a project in Visual Studio 2019 that I was sent zipped via Dropbox.

When I Build the Project no Build error appears, but the problem is when I debug using Google Chrome this internal server error appears shown in the image below. I tried to reinstall all packages but it didn’t help. I suppose it is a directory problem, because the directory of the configuration file that is shown in this image was the path of the person who gave me the project, being different from the directory that the project is on my computer.

Does anyone have any idea how I could set this up?

I tried to search the Stack Overflow in Portuguese and English but found nothing, so I thank you!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • The error is quite explicit. Find webconfig and settings for it

  • @Claudiolopes Inside the web.config there is no configuration regarding the project directory

1 answer


After I tested several things, I discovered that the error was in the Project Url.

When Importing a project from the internet, make sure to enter the Project>>Properties menu of {project name}

Within the Web tab, make sure that the chosen Port is valid and that you have created a Virtual Directory for the Project

I hope this helps someone


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