Git/ Github Repository Error


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I’m starting to use GIT and GITHUB and unfortunately I chose a local repository different than I would like, I tried to delete this and ended up creating more repositories, including with different branches.

Is there any way to start this from scratch? I use Vscode and am beginner in Python programming...

I’ve searched in found many commands, but nothing worked...

Thank you

  • 1

    recommend deleting all hidden folders with git information and restarting a new repository from scratch. In the file explorer itself, inside the repository folder when displaying the hidden files, you will see a folder named. git, where all the information for the repository you created is. By deleting the folder from . git, the path will no longer be a versioned repository, then you can start all over again by typing the command git init in the terminal.

  • I will do this. And doing this, Github already Zera?

  • Apparently not. Since Github is a code versioning tool, when you give git remote add origin --link do repositorio--, the current version of your project will be updated with the changes that have occurred so far.

  • And there’s some way to get some repository out of github that I don’t want to be there?

  • Yes, just go to the repository settings and the penultimate options of the first tab, there will be the option to delete the repository. I think before deleting it, you need to enter the password or repository credential that is set by the system and is the default for Github settings.

1 answer


Git is interesting because it is based on folders and files from the operating system, so there is a hidden folder ". git", in the folder you created the repository with the "git init command".

So you can move this repository anytime and anywhere from your hard drive.

Another important point is that your local repository is not connected with the remote, git is a DVCS, distributed version control, but you can control a remote repository, like deleting a branch, for example, among other things.

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