How to automate creating excel spreadsheets in R


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Good morning, I find myself in a problem, that although it seems very simple to solve, I can not find a solution without manually making the creation of all, so let’s go:


lista <- c("L1","L2","L3")
listaData <- c(L1,L2,L3)
##essa linha seria para pegar os dados  l1 l2 l3 do servidor, por isso ocultei, ela esta funcional.
f.pasta <- str_c("C:/Users/.../",lista,".xlsx")
for(idx in (length(listaData))){
idx = 1
write.xlsx( **eu preciso de uma solução para colocar a listaData aqui**, file = fpasta[idx])

the problem is: when I place listData in bold area it already pulls direct date, if I try to traverse the vector (ex: listData[1]) it will catch the first row of the FUSAO of the 3 tables (L1L2L3) Since I have to do this 600 times, it will become a problem if I don’t automate... I expect a help <3 ty

What would be a possible solution but I do not know how to do: The Datebook is a TYPE that only calls the name of the variable L1 and not the data table. (I don’t know if it is possible to do).

  • Try mapply(write.xlsx, listaData, f.pasta). Looks like that’s it, keeps every table of listaData in each file of f.pasta.

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