Open a page before loading the header


Viewed 80 times


The point is, I’m trying to open up a page before the header from the main page is executed;

echo("<script language=\"javascript\">");
echo("'teste.php', '_blank');");


I’ve tried it this way, but when the page opens it goes straight to header(redirecting to the google page and ignoring the opening of "test.php").

I’ve tried for a sleep before the header, but apparently also doesn’t make much sense in the execution. Why he just keeps ignoring and going straight to header.

Some alternative?

Note: The "test.php" page has to necessarily open in a new tab, without being a popup or something similar, with the target = _blank as in the little code I left behind

  • Strange that, should open test.php in new tab and generate an error Cannot Modify header information - headers already sent by

2 answers


Strange that vai direto no header , should open test.php in new tab and generate an error Cannot Modify header information - headers already sent by .....

You can open both pages in the same script, a _blank and another _self

echo("<script language=\"javascript\">");
echo("'teste.php', '_blank');");
echo("'', '_self');");

Another way is to use meta refresh


echo("<script language=\"javascript\">");
echo("'teste.php', '_blank');");

echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=''\" />";



I couldn’t do it for PHP. But an alternative would be to use Javascript both to open the pop-up and to redirect:

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>'');</script>";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.location = '';</script>";

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