How do I apply a python/Django filter


Viewed 146 times


from django_filters import FilterSet
from django.db import models

  nome= models.TextField()

  nome = models.TextField()

  pessoa = models.ForeignKey(Pessoa, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='carros')
  marca = models.ForeignKey(Marca, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
  data_do_documento = models.DateTimeField()

class FilterPessoa(FilterSet):
  class Meta:
     model = Pessoa

How do I apply a python/Django filter, of all people who have fiat and/or jeep cars, and have document date between 01/07/2020 and 31/07/2020

2 answers


Now I understood then just follow this example

class FilterPessoa(FilterSet):
  pessoa = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr='icontains')
  class Meta:
     model = Carro
     fields ={ 'pessoa': [exact, 'marca'],

In this example will make you bring people by vehicle brands.


In the logic you’re using.

This class is used as follows.

class FilterPessoa(FilterSet):
  pessoa__nome = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr='icontains')
  class Meta:
     model = Carro
     fields = ['pessoa__nome']

I believe your code needs a logic review.

  • Hey there, Jose Augusto. That would not be the problem because the filter I want is for all the people who have Fiat and Jeep cars, regardless of the name of the person. However thank you very much.

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