Save data to a Viewbag


Viewed 761 times


I am developing an application, where I have a Viewbag listing a list of numbers, from my database.

I need to write the selected number in this dropdown, in another Viewbag. I don’t know how to do this, someone could help me?

Viewbag returning the list of numbers:

ViewBag.Contrato = usuarioRepository.Lista.Where(u => u.sLogin == autenticacaoProvider.UsuarioAutenticado.Login).Select(u => u.SqContrato);

View with the Dropdownlist:

@Html.DropDownList("Contrato", new SelectList(ViewBag.Contrato, "Contrato"))

There is some syntax, like "@Html.Dropdownlistfor(@Viewbag)"?

  • Ih ai ok? The functioning of the forum here is a little different from other forums. When requesting some post information use the option Comment on. In this case answers would only be the answers to the post. View for more information and familiarize yourself. And welcome to the community.

  • Sorry for the lack of knowledge. From now on, I will use the forum correctly.

  • I also made a lot of mess at first. I’m Jothaz you remember?

2 answers



On the controller do

  public ActionResult Index(){
    dynamic model = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
    model.Lista =  usuarioRepository.Lista.Where(u => u.sLogin == autenticacaoProvider.UsuarioAutenticado.Login).Select(u => u.SqContrato);

return View(model);

And in the view just call


to access the list, to make a Dropdownbox, has a mode that is at hand.

@foreach(var item in Model.Lista){
 <option value="item.valor">item.texto</option>

I’m sorry if you have any syntax error, I did everything here without playing in the visual studio.

  • Even this part, I had already managed to arrive. I now need the user to choose an option, and I can save this option in some type of global variable( Viembag, Viewmodel, or something like), so I can use in a query.

  • Ask another question and explain putting code please.

  • I re-asked the question by explaining my scenario.

  • If this answer here helped you, mark it as correct.


Alternatively to @Paulohdsouza’s reply, no need to use ExpandoObject to return a database object. C# dynamic inference already solves this problem:

public ActionResult Index()
    var lista =  usuarioRepository.Lista.Where(u => u.sLogin == autenticacaoProvider.UsuarioAutenticado.Login).Select(u => u.SqContrato);

    return View(lista);

Obviously, you need to set up @model at the beginning of View:

@model IEnumerable<Usuario>
  • Interesting, I didn’t know this way. + 1

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