How to reference multiple foreign keys in a MYSQL field


Viewed 141 times


I have a problem that I can not find a solution, I am making a database for a school system, in this system there is the table of materials, which has an ID and a NAME, and teachers who have an ID a NAME and the reference to the materials that they minister.

CREATE TABLE db_materias(
id int(4) not null auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null
primary key(id)

CREATE TABLE db_professores(
id int(4) not null auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null
materias int(4)
primary key(id)

foreign key(materias) references db_materias(id)

The problem is, there are occasions when the same teacher ministers multiple subjects, I can make the teacher have a subject but I can not get several, at first I thought about creating an array to store it, but I found that MYSQL has no arrays, I also thought about creating several columns for subjects but I believe that is not the most efficient way to solve. I can’t find anywhere a way to resolve this kind of situation, I’m starting to learn about Databases, I have no experience with the topic. I appreciate the help, thank you.

  • The usual way to model such a situation (an N:N relationship) is to create another table that relates each teacher to each subject.

1 answer


To make this kind of relationship I would use another table that would be taught subjects teacher with the fields can be null so you can make the relationship with the materials

CREATE TABLE db_materias_professor(
id int(4) not null auto_increment,
professor int(4) not null
materia_a int(4)
materia_b int(4)
materia_c int(4)
materia_d int(4)
primary key(id)

foreign key(professor) references db_professores(id)
foreign key(materia_a) references db_materias(id)
foreign key(materia_b) references db_materias(id)
foreign key(materia_c) references db_materias(id)
foreign key(materia_d) references db_materias(id)

and change the reference of the db_teachers table of

foreign key(materias) references db_materias(id) 


foreign key(materias) references db_materias_professor(id) 
  • Wouldn’t it be much more practical, and much better, for the relationship table to contain only the pair (teacher, discipline)? Two 1:N relationships perfectly model what has been described.

  • It would also only change the way of calling relationships in my case would have null fields and in your case would not however have to call all relationships and sub relationships and would also no longer have the reference in db_teachers

  • And if in the future you wanted to add a fifth subject for a teacher you would have to modify the definition of your database and recreate it?

  • In case you’d just have to do one ALTER TABLE db_materias_professor
ADD CONSTRAINT materia_e FOREIGN KEY (db_materias) 
REFERENCES db_materias(id`)

  • I recommend that you study data modeling.

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