Deactivate Pycharm autocomplete


Viewed 174 times


Good afternoon, everyone!

I came into the programming world recently and was told that starting programming without these autocomplete stands is better now in the beginning. What do you think?

That said I would like a little help to disable this function in Pycharm, tried in several ways and search in several places. I found nothing in PT and I don’t know English mt...

Thank you from now on guys! Let’s program!!!

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    With or without autocomplete study what each method, class, function does, ai with auto complete or without you will learn, if you do without autocomplete and do not study, live only to copy and paste, will not make a difference, you will stagnate.

3 answers


I also disagree about this. The more practical and facilitated for you is better. There are things that IDLE itself not only reminds you of, but also shows you other possibilities that you haven’t seen with your teacher (many things included) or in the documentation itself for example.

A simple example about the function int()

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

A simple example about the function print()

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

You’re not obliged to know everything, I don’t know anyone who went down that road..

But if you really want this path then you don’t need an IDLE like Pycharm or any Text Editor (Sublime, VS Code..), you can use Python’s own that doesn’t have these facilities, eh just create a new file and will get the default text file that comes with the installation

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The file on the left is what appears when you click on the Python IDLE (which is circled red) To use the default editor eh just create a new file (as it is showing) and ready.. To execute your code eh only press F5 (saved automatically) which appears in the file on the left the execution


Turn off "Show suggestions as you type", it will stop displaying suggestions automatically. Even with this option off you can still use Ctrl+Space to see the suggestions if you want.

Settings do pycharm


I honestly disagree with that. Actually you will fix some commands better, but many times for you to check the type of the object the autocomplete function is very good. I started studying Python a little while ago and I think it helped me a lot.

An example, when declaring a list:

UmaLista = list()
UmaLista. #Nesse momento o autocomplete te sugere todas as funções
          #exclusivas de uma lista, como append, pop, remove etc.

palavra = 'a.b.c.d.e'
palavra. #Nesse momento o autocomplete sugere todas as funções de
         #uma string como split, replace e etc.

A good practice to develop in the beginning is not to copy and paste codes that you use frequently. It is always best to type them again so you can fix the logic or basic concepts.

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