I have a Windows Form application which copies files and folders to various networked machines.
When the copy is not possible, the name of the machine is added to a list and, at the end, I present in a Listbox.
The problem is that every time you fire an exception at one of the threads I can’t give a throw Ex
to add to this list.
public class Processo
private ManualResetEvent _eventoReset;
private int _threadIndex;
private string _destino;
private string _origem;
public Processo(ManualResetEvent eventoReset, string origem, string destino)
this._eventoReset = eventoReset;
this._origem = origem;
this._destino = destino;
public void ThreadPoolCallback(Object threadContextIndex)
this._threadIndex = (int)threadContextIndex;
private void ExecutaTarefas()
FileSystem.CopyDirectory(_origem, _destino, true);
catch (Exception Ex)
throw Ex;
In applying
int numeroDeElementos = maquinas.Count();
ManualResetEvent[] statusEventos = new ManualResetEvent[numeroDeElementos];
Processo[] tarefaArray = new Processo[numeroDeElementos];
for (int i = 0; i < maquinas.Count(); i++)
Ping ping = new Ping();
PingReply retorno = ping.Send(maquinas[i].pc);
if (retorno.Status == IPStatus.Success)
statusEventos[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Processo thr = new Processo(statusEventos[i], origem, destino));
tarefaArray[i] = thr;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(thr.ThreadPoolCallback, i);
listaMaquinas.Add(string.Format("{0} Fila: {1} Posição: {2} não foi possivel conectar ao computador. ", maquinas[i].auto, maquinas[i].fila, maquinas[i].posicao));
catch (Exception ex)
listaMaquinas.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1} - Fila:{2} - Posição:{3} - Erro: {4}", maquinas[i].auto, maquinas[i].pc, maquinas[i].fila, maquinas[i].posicao, ex.Message));
progressBar1.Value = x;
x += 1;
foreach (WaitHandle doneEvent in statusEventos)
if (doneEvent != null)
if (listaMaquinas.Count() > 0)
listBox1.DataSource = listaMaquinas;
MessageBox.Show("As maquinas listadas não puderam ser atualizadas.");
MessageBox.Show("Atualização concluida com sucesso.");
Good thing you can’t get one
throw ex;
. It is the last thing you should do with an exception. Or perhaps penultimate, captureException
also very wrong. I wrote a huge amount of answers on the subject because almost no one knows how to use exceptions. There is a lot to read and should not stop only in my answers, but it is essential to learn to use the resource correctly. http://answall.com/search?q=user:101+[exce%C3%A7%C3%A3o]– Maniero