Validate input, using formbuilder, with Pattern at angular 9


Viewed 266 times


I want to display the error message when the user changes or makes the input active using Pattern [ X20-xff]{5,50}$

But when I type characters that do not answer the field, it only turns red and the error message does not appear.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

<form [formGroup]="ChannelCreateForm" (ngSubmit)="CreateChannel()">
  <mat-form-field class="input-full-width" appearance="standard">
    <mat-label>{{'' | transloco}}</mat-label>
    <input matInput type="text" formControlName="ChannelTitle"> 
    <mat-hint align="start" *ngIf="ChannelTitle.errors?.pattern && (ChannelTitle.dirty || ChannelTitle.touched)" class="text-danger">inválido</mat-hint>
  <mat-hint align="end">{{titleInput.value.length}} / 50</mat-hint>

Pattern50Char = "^[\x20-\xFF]{5,50}$";

  ChannelCreateForm: FormGroup;

    public _FormBuilder: FormBuilder,
    public _MatSnackBar: MatSnackBar
  ) { 
    this.ChannelCreateForm ={
      ChannelTitle: ['', [Validators.pattern(this.Pattern50Char), Validators.maxLength(50)]]

  get titleInput() {
    return this.ChannelCreateForm.get('ChannelTitle');

1 answer


I would try much of that validation on component and did not see reference in the template (your #channelTitle). First changing us Validators of FormBuilder Pattern and maxlength, and exposing the title reference via get

myPattern = "^[\x20-\xFF]{5,50}$";

form: FormGroup;

constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
  this.form ={
    channelTitle: ["", [Validators.pattern(this.myPattern), Validators.maxLength(50)]]

get titleInput() {
  return this.form.get('channelTitle');

In HTML it would look like this, remove #channelTitle and use the get maid, the titleInput:

<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="CreateChannel()">
   <mat-form-field class="input-full-width" appearance="standard">
   <mat-label>{{'' | transloco}}</mat-label>
   <input matInput type="text" formControlName="channelTitle"> 
   <mat-hint align="start" *ngIf="titleInput.errors?.pattern && (titleInput.dirty || titleInput.touched)">inválido</mat-hint>
   <mat-hint align="end">{{titleInput.value.length}} / 50</mat-hint>
  • I made the changes and updated the post with the information you posted, but the error message still does not appear, the field turns red when you lose Focus.. but no message.

  • @RRV in your example you are referencing the channelTitle in the *ngIf, alteration to titleInput and tell me

  • Patrick.. Thank you, problem solved.

  • Patrick.. Taking advantage can make a doubt.. When I start the group, considering a data update form, how do I keep the information that is in the input? for example do not delete channelTitle channelTitle: [" ", [Validators.Pattern(this.myPattern), Validators.maxlength(50)]]

  • @RRV do not know if I understand your question, you wanted to do a reset of information?

  • I was referring to starting fields with values recovered from BD. I did so -> this.UserNameForm.get('Username'). setValue(data.user_name) and it worked.

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