I have a table like this:
Organization Timeframe Code id
1 Agencia1 Fortnight 1 International Affairs 1
2 Agencia2 Fortnight 1 Environment 2
3 Agencia2 Fortnight 1 Health 4
4 Agencia2 Fortnight 1 Public Policy 5
5 Agencia1 Fortnight 2 Politics 6
6 Agencia2 Fortnight 2 Disaster 7
7 Agencia1 Fortnight 2 Public Policy 8
8 Agencia1 Fortnight 2 Federal Government 9
9 Agencia1 Fortnight 2 Business 10
10 Agencia1 Fortnight 3 Federal Government 11
11 Agencia2 Fortnight 3 Dissemination - COVID19 12
12 Agencia1 Fortnight 3 Transparency - COVID19 13
13 Agencia2 Fortnight 3 Economy - COVID19 14
14 Agencia1 Fortnight 3 Prevention - COVID19 15
15 Agencia1 Fortnight 4 Economy 16
16 Agencia1 Fortnight 4 Media 17
17 Agencia1 Fortnight 4 Leisure 18
18 Agencia1 Fortnight 4 Politics 19
19 Agencia1 Fortnight 4 Prevention - COVID19 20
20 Agencia1 Fortnight 5 Prevention - COVID19 21
I would like to do an alluvial Chart that shows the different topics of each organization in every fortnight (Fortnight). I created a chart with what I would like, but the streams I would link (with a color for each organization) I’m not showing up. Does anyone know how to help me?
The code of what I did is this:
alluvial_data <- as.data.frame(FC_Outlets %>%select(Organization, Timeframe, Code))
alluvial_data <- alluvial_data %>% mutate(id = row_number())
#Remove duplicates
alluvial_data <- alluvial_data %>%
distinct(Organization, Timeframe, Code, .keep_all = TRUE)
# Convert Timeframe to Factor - Categorical Variable
alluvial_data$Timeframe <-as.factor(alluvial_data$Timeframe)
# Convert Code to String
alluvial_data$Code <-as.character(alluvial_data$Code)
# Define the number of colors you want
nb.cols <- 10
mycolors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Set2"))(nb.cols)
# Chart
aes(x = Timeframe, stratum = Code, alluvium = id,
fill = Code, label = Code)) +
#scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set2") +
scale_fill_manual(values = mycolors) +
geom_flow(stat = "alluvium", lode.guidance = "frontback",
color = "darkgray") +
geom_stratum() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
Thank you
Welcome to Stackoverflow! Unfortunately, this question cannot be reproduced by anyone trying to answer it. Please take a look at this link (mainly in the use of function
) and see how to ask a reproducible question in R. So, people who wish to help you will be able to do this in the best possible way.– Marcus Nunes