I’m using "Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC)", and I used the "convertToCodaObject" command to view the model’s empirical information (e.g., mean and sd). However, I’m having trouble saving the data in CSV to do some Plots, for example:
Means and standard deviation for "S1" in relation to "C2", "C3" and "C4"
S= species, C= predictor
Example of the empirical feedback of the model:
Iterations = 50100:150000
Thinning interval = 100
Number of chains = 2
Sample size per chain = 1000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD
B[(Intercept) (C1), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] 2.921e+00 4.144e+00
B[dist.water (C2), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -2.372e-04 3.009e-04
B[elevation (C3), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -2.306e-02 2.250e-02
B[api (C4), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -4.552e-02 3.647e-02
B[(Intercept) (C1), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -7.328e-02 3.676e+00
B[dist.water (C2), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -1.022e-05 1.772e-04
B[elevation (C3), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -6.738e-03 2.129e-02
B[api (C4), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -3.093e-02 1.537e-02
B[(Intercept) (C1), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] -9.618e-02 2.852e+00
B[dist.water (C2), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] -7.985e-05 1.608e-04
B[elevation (C3), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] -7.255e-03 1.700e-02
B[api (C4), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] -9.612e-03 1.032e-02
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25%
B[(Intercept) (C1), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -4.743e+00 -1.019e-01
B[dist.water (C2), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -8.597e-04 -4.310e-04
B[elevation (C3), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -7.313e-02 -3.830e-02
B[api (C4), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] -1.543e-01 -5.840e-02
B[(Intercept) (C1), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -6.618e+00 -2.389e+00
B[dist.water (C2), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -3.151e-04 -1.339e-04
B[elevation (C3), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -5.893e-02 -2.061e-02
B[api (C4), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -6.003e-02 -4.047e-02
B[(Intercept) (C1), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] -5.745e+00 -2.160e+00
B[(Intercept) (C1), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] 1.259e+01
B[dist.water (C2), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] 2.861e-04
B[elevation (C3), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] 1.980e-02
B[api (C4), Crax.fasciolata (S1)] 2.021e-03
B[(Intercept) (C1), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] 8.715e+00
B[dist.water (C2), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] 3.752e-04
B[elevation (C3), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] 3.157e-02
B[api (C4), Crypturellus.sp (S2)] -1.462e-03
B[(Intercept) (C1), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] 5.586e+00
B[dist.water (C2), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] 2.359e-04
B[elevation (C3), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] 2.618e-02
B[api (C4), Cuniculus.paca (S3)] 1.026e-02
How can I save the data in CSV where I can include the average values and sd: 0.025 and 0.95, for each "S" for each "C"?
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