How do I replace a series of blank spaces with just one, in R?
For example, suppose we have a string:
x <- " non non non non"
I want to make the content of x: "non non non non non non non non".
How do I replace a series of blank spaces with just one, in R?
For example, suppose we have a string:
x <- " non non non non"
I want to make the content of x: "non non non non non non non non".
Two possible solutions:
gsub("\\s+", " ", x)
gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", x)
Spoke a + in the second solution gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", x)
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I have no R skills, but the regular expression for finding the spaces would be
, then just replace by a space.– Oeslei
Thank you, I found the solution!
– Guilherme Duarte