How to display related table data organized by topics


Viewed 594 times


I have a question in SQL that is the following: I have two tables, the parent table, and the daughter table, where the daughter table receives the id of the parent table as a foreign key, however, I don’t know how to show the entered data in an organized way. I need the data to appear on the screen as follows:

Parent table title 1: Daughter table given 1 related to id 1 of Father table Given 2 of the daughter table related to father table id 1 Child table data 3 related to parent table id 1

Father table title 2: Daughter table data 1 related to id 2 of Father table Data 2 of daughter table related to father table id 2

And so on, however, my data is showing up on the screen as follows on the screen:

Father table title 1: Daughter table data 1 related to id 1 of parent table

Father table title 1: Daughter table data 2 related to id 1 of parent table

Father table title 1: Daughter table data 3 related to id 1 of parent table

Father table title 2: Daughter table data 1 related to id 2 of parent table

Father table title 2: Daughter table data 1 related to id 2 of parent table

select is more or less like this:

FROM pai
LEFT JOIN filha ON (pai.id_tabelaPai = filha.id_tabelaPai)
  • The select has to be over the daughter table, connecting it with the parent table. Otherwise the result will repeat each parent record as many times as there are children records (each parent with 3 children will be displayed 3 times). Invert your query - change "father" and "daughter" from place.

1 answer


As far as I’m concerned, you’re searching the data the right way but you’re using a single loop to travel them. You need a loop external to traverse data and loops internal to go through data from the daughter table to a certain stop condition.

In this example the stop condition is the id (or any other data you want, for example the title) of the parent table:


$resultSet = [
    [ 'id_pai' => 1, 'id_filha' => 1 ],
    [ 'id_pai' => 1, 'id_filha' => 2 ],
    [ 'id_pai' => 1, 'id_filha' => 3 ],
    [ 'id_pai' => 2, 'id_filha' => 4 ],
    [ 'id_pai' => 2, 'id_filha' => 5 ]

if (sizeof($resultSet) > 0) {
    $idTabelaPai = $resultSet[0]['id_pai'];
    echo 'tabela pai   = ' . $idTabelaPai . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'tabela filha = ' . $resultSet[0]['id_filha'] . PHP_EOL;
    for ($i=1, $count=sizeof($resultSet); $i<$count; $i++) {
        if ($resultSet[$i]['id_pai'] !== $idTabelaPai) {
            $idTabelaPai = $resultSet[$i]['id_pai'];
            echo 'tabela pai   = ' . $idTabelaPai . PHP_EOL;
        echo 'tabela filha = ' . $resultSet[$i]['id_filha'] . PHP_EOL;


tabela pai   = 1
tabela filha = 1
tabela filha = 2
tabela filha = 3
tabela pai   = 2
tabela filha = 4
tabela filha = 5

For the above solution to work, it is necessary to sort the results first by the parent table id, and then by the daughter table ids:

  • Correct! Excellent explanation.

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