index 5 is out of Bounds for Axis 0 with size 1


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Well, I have this code, I want it to take specific columns of 3 sheets and join in one, ams is giving the following error: index 5 is out of Bounds for Axis 0 with size 1

import pandas as pd

Corp = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/t718787/Desktop/fotos/dbm.xlsx', 'Corp', usecols =['Num_CNPJ','Segmento','Cliente','Grupo','Regional','Gestor_Senior','Gerente','Lista_Distribuicao'])

Scib = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/t718787/Desktop/fotos/dbm.xlsx', 'SCIB', usecols =['Num_CNPJ','Segmento','Cliente','Grupo','Regional','Gestor_Senior','Gerente','Lista_Distribuicao'])

Gi = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/t718787/Desktop/fotos/dbm.xlsx', 'GI', usecols =['Num_CNPJ','Segmento','Cliente','Grupo','Regional','Gestor_Senior','Gerente','Lista_Distribuicao'])

Univ = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/t718787/Desktop/fotos/dbm.xlsx', 'Univ', usecols =['Num_CNPJ','Segmento','Cliente','Grupo','Regional','Gestor_Senior','Gerente','Lista_Distribuicao'])

df = pd.DataFrame()

Corp ['Num_CNPJ'] = Corp['Num_CNPJ'].astype(str)

Corp ['Num_CNPJ'] = Corp ['Num_CNPJ'].apply(lambda x: '{0:0>14}'.format(x))

Corp = df.insert(loc=0,column='Agencia_conta', value='--')
Corp = df.insert(loc=5,column='Email_cliente', value='--')
Corp = df.insert(loc=7,column='Telefone_gerente', value='--')

#config SCIB
Scib ['Num_CNPJ'] = Scib['CNPJ'].astype(str)

Scib ['Num_CNPJ'] = Scib['Num_CNPJ'].apply(lambda x: '{0:0>14}'.format(x))

Scib = df.insert(loc=0,column='Agencia_conta', value='--')
Scib = df.insert(loc=5,column='Email_cliente', value='--')
Scib = df.insert(loc=7,column='Telefone_gerente', value='--')

#config GI

Gi['Num_CNPJ'] = Gi ['Num_CNPJ'].astype(str)

Gi['Num_CNPJ'] = Gi ['Num_CNPJ'].apply(lambda x: '{0:0>14}'.format(x))

Gi = df.insert(loc=0,column='Agencia_conta', value='--')
Gi = df.insert(loc=5,column='Email_cliente', value='--')
Gi = df.insert(loc=7,column='Telefone_gerente', value='--')

#config UNIV

Univ ['Num_CNPJ'] = Univ ['Num_CNPJ'].astype(str)

Univ ['Num_CNPJ'] = Univ ['Num_CNPJ'].apply(lambda x: '{0:0>14}'.format(x))

Univ = df.insert(loc=0,column='Agencia_conta', value='--')
Univ = df.insert(loc=5,column='Email_cliente', value='--')
Univ = df.insert(loc=7,column='Telefone_gerente', value='--')

df = df.append (Corp)
df = df.append (Scib)
df = df.append (Gi)
df = df.append (Univ)

df = df.iloc [:,[0,3,4,5,6,12,13,9,14,23,2]]

df.to_excel ('C:/Users/t718787/Desktop/fotos/DBM_prt.xlsx', index = False)

2 answers


I’d build it this way:

1º I would build a list with the names of the worksheets and would read these dataframes and save in another list:

sheets = ['Corp', 'SCIB', 'GI', 'Univ']
dfs = list()

for name in sheets:
    dfs.append(pd.read_excel('Untitled 1.xlsx', name, usecols =['Num_CNPJ','Segmento','Cliente','Grupo','Regional','Gestor_Senior','Gerente','Lista_Distribuicao']))

2º Would concathens in a dataframe only:

df = pd.concat(dfs)

3º Would perform the transformations and creations of new columns:

df['Num_CNPJ'] = df['Num_CNPJ'].astype(str)
df['Num_CNPJ'] = df['Num_CNPJ'].apply(lambda x: '{0:0>14}'.format(x))

df.insert(loc=0,column='Agencia_conta', value='--')
df.insert(loc=5,column='Email_cliente', value='--')
df.insert(loc=7,column='Telefone_gerente', value='--')
  • Juan, I did as I said, I created the spreadsheet and it worked, vlw on, thank you very much for your help!

  • 1

    I’m glad this idea was able to help you!


The error is here:

Corp = df.insert(loc=5,column='Email_cliente', value='--')

You have created a new dataframe called df that doesn’t have any columns yet, so it will accept that you have created columns within the limit of it, i.e., first you create 0 after 1 after 2 and so on. When you use the loc=5 without having a 1-2-3-4 column created you exceed the limit.

The theoretically correct way would be this one:

Corp = df.insert(loc=1,column='Email_cliente', value='--')

  • AH, I did it because, tbm I’m taking columns from other spreadsheets, already existing, I can create in order 1 2 3... and dps arrange in order in df = df.iloc [:,[0,3,4,5,6,12,13,9,14,23,2]] ? I’ve been at it all afternoon

  • can yes, if you do so theoretically works!

  • so juan, I did like this, but instead of him taking from the existing spreadsheets he just copied several times the 0 1 2

  • Now I don’t understand why you assign a variable that is a dataframe another empty dataframe?? Could you explain better what your goal is?? If you want to take several dataframes and add them in a dataframe just suggest you use the Concat, last you would create these other columns you want.

  • i am trying to create a new spreadsheet, in it I need columns that are in an existing spreadsheet, which already have values and tbm create new columns.

  • I put another answer to how I would do it!

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