How to show the name of all arrays inside an object?


Viewed 88 times


I’m making a search system and with a problem to show the name of the arrays inside the object.

The object is in this style:

let item = {
descricao: "Casa",
id: 123,
localizacoesFilho: [
        descricao: "Cozinha",
        id: 124
        descricao: "Garagem",
        id: 125

And the code I’m using is this:

searchLocalizacao(item) {
  if (item.descricao) {

    if(item.localizacoesFilho && item.localizacoesFilho.length > 0) {
        return item.localizacoesFilho[0].descricao.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.q.toLowerCase()) == -1;

    item.descricao.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.q.toLowerCase()) == -1;

This code is showing the items that do not have an array normally, but the items that have an array it only shows the name if it is the first one, as I do to show the name of the array that the user is searching for regardless of its position?

Obs: the this.q is storing the letters I type in the input.

1 answer


Your problem is here:


You are only taking the first element of it (0) and comparing, what you need is to iterate through all the objects within a localizacoesFilho and return those that match your condition, to do this you can use methods like the filter that will go through each element of your array and apply the test you set as parameter, such method will return a new array with only the objects that passed the preset test, example:

// Só para evitar de ter que converter para lowerCase em cada teste
const pesquisarPor = this.q.toLowerCase();

// Aplicamos um filtro no array, o teste é uma função que será chamada para cada elemento no array e deve retornar true ou false, se true o elemento será incluso no array filhosFiltrados
const filhosFiltrados = item.localizacoesFilho.filter(function(itemFilho){
   return itemFilho.descricao.toLowerCase().indexOf(pesquisarPor) > -1;

Simple example:

const item = {
  descricao: "Casa",
  id: 123,
  localizacoesFilho: [
          descricao: "Cozinha",
          id: 124
          descricao: "Garagem",
          id: 125

function searchLocalizacao(localizacao){
  const filhosFiltrados = item.localizacoesFilho.filter(function (filhoItem){
     return filhoItem.descricao.toLowerCase().indexOf(localizacao.toLowerCase()) > -1;
  return filhosFiltrados;

searchLocalizacao('a'); // Cozinha e Garagem
searchLocalizacao('G'); // Garagem
searchLocalizacao('oz'); // Cozinha

  • Leo, the code you passed was not a problem, but the way I put the code is making it show the elements that have child regardless of what I type. For example, if I type Administration and the element that has a child is called Cafeteria, it shows the Administration and the Cafeteria. I can’t put the code here, so I put it on Jsfiddle: link Note: I have tried to leave only your code, but it adds all other elements of the screen and leaves only those who have children. Thank you, from now on.

  • So we can start from the beginning, if your function should return a array make her return one array always, try as much as possible not to mix back types as this may be an unnecessary headache, so if your array doesn’t have any elements don’t return item.descricao.toLowerCase().indexOf(pesquisarPor) == -1 but do return [] this way it will always be an empty array or with elements.

  • For the problem of showing or not other elements in HTML, seems to me to be a problem for another question, the scope of this was to filter the elements in to the array and return the elements that pass a given test, and this seems to me to be solved, if you want to know why of other problems it is better to ask another question by putting the code you are using and explain the problem in detail

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