Best option to store (key, key and value) in C#?


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I am working on a tool where the user inserts information and based on some calculations in the entered value it returns a fixed value description.
User enters the value 101.
It value will be calculated based on some rules.
This value for example fits in Group A the final result after the calculation is 3 (We can have several groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G and so on...), and for each group I have some values already pre-defined.
Group A:
0 = inappropriate definition
1 = accepts all type of request
2 = awaiting validation
3 = status ok

I was storing these Values in Dictionary. Is there a simpler solution for me to take these guys dynamically or feed the Dictionary dynamically and then consume them ?

I thought of saving in a file . txt and mount the dictionary.
txt file.
A;0;Initial Status
A;1; Failure to boot
A;2;Failure to close
A;3;Status OK
Z;10; Error in memory
Z;24;Incorrect attempt
Z;55;Indefinite status

1 answer


The dictionary is the best option for your need when you have a lot of data, it calculates the HASH (which is a fast operation, proportional to the size of the data), and stores in a Linked list (pointer linked) the items in which there is HASH collision.

Basically there are three operations:

  • Hash calculation (fast, proportional to the data size)

  • Query in a HASH table (quick, array indexing)

  • Linear query in a linked list (the fastest part)

Stay tuned if you use floating point values as a key (as they are calculated), the dictionary will only return exact matches.

As for dictionary initialization, you can do statically in code or deserialize a file (txt, csv, xml, json, yaml, ini, binary, etc...)

There is also the possibility of using a static database, where, taking the keys, you get the message with a common SQL query. Sqlite is open source and many developers use it (e.g., Chrome/Chromium).

For few data is better to make a switch even, the query ends up being more efficient than computing Hashs, or query database, but do your tests.

  • Cool Edney, Today I’m populating Dictionary. Is there any way I can do this dynamically ? Because this Dictionary to be created it needs the Group after the key and value. Ie I am creating 1 dictionary for each group. I wanted to have only one dictionary and after calculating and identifying the group I would assemble that dictionary, based on some text file or json or something else. I don’t know how to proceed.

  • Your question is a little hard to understand but I kick (based on what you wrote) that you need a : Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, Object>. Then you can use with: values[i][j]. Edit your question and put more details, otherwise it is difficult...

  • Also, you can use a Struct as a key (with the group and value), so you will only have a dictionary. Recommended you make Struct immutable to use as dictionary key (with private fields and pass parameters in constructor).

  • I edited the question, I thought, save in a txt all the details of the messages and the groups and then mount in the dictionary Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>>

  • If it is too much data (but not too much) can use an Sqlite, does not depend on server, and is very efficient.

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