Inconsistent Accessibility: "Teacher" parameter type is less accessible than "Professor.Insert(Teacher)"


Viewed 57 times


What do I do to fix this error? It turns red underneath the methods created in this code.

And when I pass the mouse shows:

Inconsistent Accessibility: "Teacher" parameter type is less accessible than "Professor.Insert(Teacher)"

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Escola.clsDados.BLL
    public class Professor
        DAL.Professor dalProf = new DAL.Professor();

        public void Insert(Model.Professor oProf)
            if (oProf.Nome == "")
                throw new Exception("O campo nome é obrigatório");

        public void Update(Model.Professor oProf)
            if (oProf.Nome != "")

        public void Delete(Model.Professor oProf)
            if (oProf.Codigo > 0)
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1 answer


Probably need to do Model.Professor as public to use in a method public.

It seems that not coding thinking about accessibility, the existing field should not be private? Just because it works doesn’t mean it’s right.

You cannot access a type that is not accessible in certain situations, so if you have a public method what your contract requires needs to be public.

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