Error adding students to a class 'The Given id must not be null! '


Viewed 851 times


When I click on Include student appears this error but I do not understand why, someone to give me a light, thank you.

Console error

java.lang.Illegalargumentexception: The Given id must not be null! at org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull( ~[spring-core-5.2.5.RELEASE. jar:5.2.5.RELEASE] at ~[spring-data-jpa-2.2.6.RELEASE. jar:2.2.6.RELEASE] at sun.reflect.Nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_231] at sun.reflect.Nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.8.0_231] at sun.reflect.Delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.8.0_231] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.8.0_231]

Entity Aluno

    public class Aluno {
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
        private Long codigo;
        @NotNull(message = "*O campo Nome é de preenchimento obrigatório")
        private String nome;
        private String apelido;

            uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "codigo_turma", "codigo_aluno" }),
            joinColumns        = @JoinColumn(name = "codigo_aluno"), 
            inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "codigo_turma")
    private List<Turma> turmas; 
*....Getters and Setters*

Entity Turma

public class Turma {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long codigo;
    @NotEmpty(message = "*O campo Nome é de preenchimento obrigatório")
    @NotBlank(message = "*O campo Nome é de preenchimento obrigatório")
    private String nome;
    private String hora_inicio;
    private String hora_fim;
    private int vagas;
    private String professor;
        name="AlunosTurmas", //nome da nova tabela
        uniqueConstraints  = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "codigo_turma", "id_aluno" }), //id curso e turma são únicos 
        joinColumns        = @JoinColumn(name = "codigo_turma" ), //chave estrangeira de turma
        inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "id_aluno")       //chave estrangeira de aluno
    private List<Aluno> alunos;

Controler Turmas

public class TurmaController {

        public String associarAluno(@ModelAttribute Aluno aluno, @RequestParam Long codigoTurma) {
         Turma turma = turmasRepository.getOne(codigoTurma);
            aluno = alunosRepository.getOne(aluno.getCodigo());  


            return "redirect:/turmas/detalhesTurma/" + codigoTurma;

        @GetMapping("/detalhesTurma/{codigo}")//aqui passa o próprio cód da turma na requisição 
        public ModelAndView getAlunoDetalhes(@PathVariable(name = "codigo") Long codigo) {

            Turma turma = turmasRepository.getOne(codigo);
            ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("/turma/detalhesTurma");
            mv.addObject("turma", turma);
            List <Aluno> alunosNaoAssociados = alunosRepository.findAll();
            mv.addObject("alunos", alunosNaoAssociados);

            return mv;


<!DOCTYPE html>
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 <body >
<section layout:fragment="content">
     <!-- partial -->
  <div class="content-wrapper" style="margin-top: -70px;">
    <div class="page-header">
       <h3 class="page-title"> Cadastro de Turmas </h3>
         <nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
           <ol class="breadcrumb">
             <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="/turmas">Listar</a></li>
             <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">Cadastrar Turma</li>
     <form class="forms-sample" th:action="@{/turmas/associarAlunoTurma(codigoTurma=${turma.codigo})}" method="post">
              <div class="col-12 grid-margin stretch-card">
                <div class="card">
                  <div class="card-body"> 
                   <div class="row">
                        <div class="form-group col-md-10">
                            <label for="exampleSelectGender">Selecione o aluno para incluir na turma</label>
                            <select class="form-control" id="exampleSelectGender" th:field="*{alunos}">
                              <option value="" selected="selected">- Selecione -</option>
                              <option th:each="aluno : ${alunos}" th:value="${aluno.codigo}" 
                      <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"/>
<!--                        <i class="mdi mdi-content-save btn-icon-prepend"></i>   Incluir  </button>  -->
<!--        TABELA DE ALUNOS DA TURMA  -->
          <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
            <h4 class="card-title text-success">Turma: #<span th:utext="${turma.codigo}"></span> <span th:utext="${turma.nome}"></span> </h4>
                   <table class="table table-responsive table-sm">
                          <th class="text-dark font-weight-bold"> # </th>
                          <th class="text-dark font-weight-bold"> Nome </th>
                          <th class="text-dark font-weight-bold"> Apelido </th>
                        <tr th:each="aluno : ${turma.alunos}">
                            <td th:text="${aluno.codigo}">1</td>
                            <td th:text="${aluno.nome}"></td>
                            <td th:text="${aluno.apelido}"></td>                      
                            <td class="left">  
<!--                                 <a class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" title="Excluir"  -->
<!--                                     th:href="@{turmas/excluirTurma/{codigo}(codigo=${turma.codigo})}"> -->
<!--                                    <i class=" mdi mdi-delete"></i> -->
<!--                                 </a> -->
<!--                             <td colspan="36" th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(turma.alunos)}">Nenhum aluno foi encontrado na turma</td> -->
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1 answer


In this passage:

Turma turma = turmasRepository.getOne(codigoTurma);
aluno = alunosRepository.getOne(aluno.getCodigo());  

Or codigoTurma or aluno.getCodigo() is void (null).

Avoid passing id void, as it causes the error cited.

I don’t give more details because I don’t know JPA.

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