How to format number in 2 decimal places


Viewed 42 times


  function calcular() {
   var p = parseFloat(document.getElementById('peso').value);
   var e = parseFloat(document.getElementById('estatura').value);
   document.getElementById('imc').value = p / ((e * e) / 10000);                                

<input type="text" class="form-control" id="imc" name="imc" onblur="calcular()"> 

1 answer


Using the function toFixed in its calculation.

function calcular() {
    var p = parseFloat(document.getElementById('peso').value);
    var e = parseFloat(document.getElementById('estatura').value);
    document.getElementById('imc').value = (p / ((e * e) / 10000)).toFixed(2) //duas casas decimais;
  • Thanks for the return Laércio, but it is not working, the number keeps appearing with several decimal places after the point.

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