Hello, I wrote a autocomplete code, but the requests are duplicated every time I press a new key, from the amount greater than that stipulated in the filter. For example, when I type 4 keys, make 4 requests, when I type 5 keys, make 5 requests and so on. I already changed the HTML event to "change", but the problem persists.
public autocomplete(){
.pipe(filter(v => v.length > 3),
switchMap(termo => this.clienteService.autocomplete(termo)),
.subscribe(result => {
let sucesso = result.success;
if(sucesso == true){
this.clientes = result.data;
<div class="form-group col-md-10">
<label class="mb-0">Nome Cliente</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="nomeCliente" (change)="autocomplete()" list="dynmicUserIds"/>
<datalist id="dynmicUserIds">
<option *ngFor="let item of clientes">{{item.nome}}</option>
you have to call no on init of your change inves ts
– Eduardo Vargas
Eduardo, that’s right, I removed the change event and put the call on onInit and it worked perfectly. Thank you very much !
– Lab4Code