I have a model of relational tables:
from collections import OrderedDict
from src.config.database import db
class Base(db.Model):
__abstract__ = True
from .Base import Base
from src.config.database import db
class Estado(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ESTADO'
id = db.Column('EST_ID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
sigla = db.Column('EST_SIGLA', db.String, nullable=False)
desc = db.Column('EST_NOME', db.String, nullable=False)
enderecos = db.relationship('Endereco', backref=db.backref('estado', lazy='joined'), uselist=False)
cidades = db.relationship('Cidade', backref=db.backref('cidade', lazy='joined'), lazy='dynamic')
class Cidade(Base):
__tablename__ = 'CIDADE'
id = db.Column('CID_ID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
desc = db.Column('CID_NOME', db.String, nullable=False)
est_id = db.Column('EST_ID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('ESTADO.EST_ID'))
enderecos = db.relationship('Endereco', backref=db.backref('cidade', lazy='joined'), uselist=False)
class Endereco(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ENDERECO'
id = db.Column('END_ID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
cep = db.Column('END_CEP', db.String, nullable=False)
bairro = db.Column('END_BAIRRO', db.String, nullable=False)
numero = db.Column('END_NUMERO', db.String, nullable=False)
complemento = db.Column('END_COMPLEMENTO', db.String, nullable=False)
est_id = db.Column('EST_ID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('ESTADO.EST_ID'))
cid_id = db.Column('CID_ID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('CIDADE.CID_ID'))
I would like to separate the model by files, I have the file models/Model.py and wanted to separate the classes into models/Endereco.py, models/Estado.py and models/Cidade.py. But when I do, he always makes a mistake warning that the class doesn’t exist from the relationship. What’s the best way to do this? Or the correct thing would be to keep it in the same file?
What happens if in the file
you import the files with the templates in the desired order:from ..models import base, estado, cidade, endereco
(also - avoid leaving the files with the first letter uppercase - may give problems with some tools - leave the names of the files always in lowercase)– jsbueno
the problem I think I’m going to have when doing this, is that it would be many classes for manual import, I have more than 50 tables, I would have to import one by one in the inside of the init.py ? or has another alternative?
– Piupz
if you don’t think you have 50 files much - it’s not much to import one by one. : -) In Python it is completely unnecessary to have u arqiuvo for each class - especially when some will have few lines and will appear only as relationships within a single class. But I saw here - yes, the problem is importing the modules - it doesn’t have to be in the right order - check out this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31091883/108205
– jsbueno