Check the amount of li’s inside a Javascript div


Viewed 112 times


Good afternoon Folks would like to pick up the amounts of li inside that div, how can I?

<div id="collapse305" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading375" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;">      
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4 answers


The way to count depends a lot on what you mean by "li’s inside a div".

In your specific case, just do document.querySelectorAll('#collapse305 li').length, as your own answer indicated.

But what if we have an HTML like this:

<div id="collapse305">
    <div class="panel-body">
        <ul id="lista1">
              <ul id="sublista1">
        <ul id="lista2">
        <div id="outra">
            <ul id="lista3">
                  <ul id="sublista3">

You want to count all the elements li? Or only those of the first ul? Or just the ones who aren’t nesting? Or just the ones on the first level?

For example, if I do document.querySelectorAll('#collapse305 > div > ul > li'), he’ll just take Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4, Test5 and Test6, since the > only takes elements that are direct descendants, that is to say, #collapse305 > div only takes the div who is the immediate daughter of the person whose id is collapse305 (which in this case is the div class="panel-body"), afterward > ul only takes the elements ul who are the direct children of this div class="panel-body" (that is, only the elements ul whose id’s are lista1 and lista2), and finally > li will take only the elements li who are their direct children ul's (so he doesn’t take the Subtest4.1 and neither Subtest4.2, since these are not direct children of lista1).

When you don’t use >, he picks up the descendants of that element, regardless of whether they are direct children (i.e., they may be "grandchildren", "great-grandchildren", etc). See more about these selectors here.

This allows several different ways to count. For example, if you remove one > selector: document.querySelectorAll('#collapse305 div > ul > li').

Now he’ll get any div inside collapse305, which means that beyond the div class="panel-body", will also be caught the div id="outra", and with it the ul id="lista3" will also be considered. However, only the li'who are his direct children ul, and therefore the Test10 is out. The result will be Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4, Test5, Test6, Test7, Test8 and Test9.

But if I change to document.querySelectorAll('#collapse305 > div > ul li'), now I get all the li's within lista1 and lista2, that is to say, Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4, Subtest4.1, Subtest4.2, Test5 and Test6.

Of course for simpler cases like yours (within the div there is only one ul without li's nested), it will not make a difference. But depending on how HTML is and what you want to consider in the count, using the right selector can make all the difference.


Easy and practical my friend. You will need to use Javascript.

If you want the quantity to appear on the console, just give a console.log

const quantidadeLi = document.querySelectorAll('li').length;

The attribute length in the code is directly connected to querySelectorAll. If you want to display on the screen for the user, use:

  const quantidadeLi = document.querySelectorAll('li').length;
  document.body.innerHTML = `<p> ${quantidadeLi} </p>`

The document.body.innerHTML will create a paragraph with the amount of li in the body of the page. Any questions let me know.



My suggestion is to use a class for your li

Earning: The count will not depend on that specific div or any other.

Loss: Perhaps the class is already defined, and cannot afford such.

Using Jquery 3.5.1

<!doctype html>
    <script src="jquery.js">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test Div Count</title>
    <div id="contteiner">
            <li class="liTeste">Teste 1</li>
            <li class="liTeste">Teste 2</li>
            <li class="liTeste">Teste 3</li>
            <li class="liTeste">Teste 4</li>
            <li class="liTeste">Teste 5</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
        alert($(".liTeste").length) //AQUI ACONTECE A CONTAGEM


The answer is:

var qtd = document.querySelectorAll('#collapse305  li').length;
console.log('A quantidade de <li>\'s é', qtd);
<div id="collapse305" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading375" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;">      
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                <a href="/download/1801" target="_blank">Test4</a>  
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