Why is this C code vulnerable?


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I’ve been doing some code analysis exercises and came across an interesting case. The exercise presents a C code with a function and asks what type of attack this code is vulnerable to. I couldn’t identify anything beyond the gets function (which can be exploited for buffer overflow attacks). Is there any other piece of code that contains some vulnerability?

int crack_code()
    char code[10];
    int val=999, i;
    printf("Enter code: "); 
    for (i=0; i<10; i+=2)
        val = (val & code[i]) | code[i+1];
        val &= val >> code[i];
    if (val == 101)
        return 0;
    } else
        return 1;

void main()
    if (crack_code())
        printf("Crack the secret code!\n");
    else {
        printf("Now you know the secret!\n");

Thank you so much for anyone who can contribute!

  • At first you are using the function gets for reading a string assuming it has up to 9 characters but if you enter a 50 character string the function will accept and simply destroy the memory content that exists after the char code[10];.

  • 1

    Basically it’s just the gets() same. Then there are consequences because of the use of it.

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