Google Spreadsheets and Javascript


Viewed 397 times


I receive a table with content containing several similar products but with different lines and codes, another important information is that sometimes comes from my client grouped by colors. I’d like to make a script or formula if possible, in which I group these similar product lines into only one, concatenating the data and contents of similar lines, for later I take this sheet and use in Design.

Sample document:

I managed to do something similar but only for 2 lines with a formula in Google Spreadsheets. Example:

=IF(A1>=A2;if(H1=H2;concatenate("0";B1;" ";C1;" /** ";"0";B2;" ";C2)))

Obs.: with this code I can not compare more than one line, and when there is no other similar product, comparison it also does not work returning null.

I believe the solution depends on Javascript. Please help me.

1 answer


  • Your answer is not clear enough, and does not solve the problem.

  • @Mutley Of course it does not solve, it is not locked in some function that does not know how to use or command, he does not know where to start, if he wants the solution (function ready) will have to hire a programmer, or then start reading about apps-script. I can do this function in 3 min, but it is better to learn how to work with apps script.

  • Kriggs - If you’re going to answer in that way, you missed the opportunity to keep your mouth shut. I’ve even managed to do it myself, I mean studying on several websites - a lot though I’m not a programmer. Now if you want to sell your services, which is very fair, learn the basics of speaking right. This is a forum for cooperation and I am asking for help as almost everyone who is here, I am absolutely sure that much of your codes have been learned from questions like mine.

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