Setting up Tomcat 7 in Eclipse results in HTTP Status 404


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I downloaded the version tar-gz Tomcat 7 and linux manually set the variable CATALINA_HOME entered the command $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ and I stopped http://localhost:8080/, worked normally (appeared to Tomcat’s home), however I went to try to add the server to the eclipse, I did the normal procedures, I went to the tab Servers I went to add a new server, selected apache Tomcat 7 and put the Tomcat directory on my machine (the same used in variable CATALINA_HOME), I start Tomcat and it appears on log of the eclipse:

INFO: Server startup in 562 ms

But when I access the localhost at door 8080, nothing happens , just appears HTTP Status 404, honestly do not know what is happening, someone had the same problem? have any idea?

Tomcat version : Apache Tomcat7.0.57

eclipse version : Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1)

Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

1 answer


This is a common configuration behavior of Apache Tomcat in Eclipse. This is because when the server is created within Eclipse the metadata (temporary information inside the Servers folder) of the Eclipse Workspace are used, not the Tomcat installation directory.

If you prefer, you can change by double clicking on the Tomcat server inside the tab Servers, and on the option Server Locations, mark Use Tomcat installation.

The difference is that by checking this option, the changes will be reflected directly from the directory where Tomcat is installed.

  • Hello Felipe Soares, thanks for the answer, but for some reason the options of Server Locations are not enabled for me to modify, but anyway now I know what the problem is, Thank you.

  • I use Eclipse on Linux with Debian and the options appear normally (check if you are running Eclipse as the machine administrator). I advise using the Eclipse metadata itself, as it is simpler to add or remove an application in Tomcat.

  • 1

    Delete and added dinovo to Tomcat, now managed to change, is working, Thanks.

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