Grab text from Linklabel created in Runtime C#


Viewed 30 times


I’m creating some LinkLabel at runtime with the code below:

for (int i = 0; i < qtdresp; i++)
    System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel Lbl = 
        new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    Lbl.Text = trilhas.Rows[i]["duvida"].ToString();
    Lbl.Top = pos;
    pos += 30;
    Lbl.Left = 20;
    Lbl.ForeColor = Color.Black;
    Lbl.Width = 250;
    Lbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight;
    Lbl.Font = new Font("Raleway", 10);
    Lbl.LinkClicked += 
        new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(Lbl_LinkClicked);

and the result is this one:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Now how do I know which of the two the person clicked on?

  • You need to take this text of LinkLabel to make my next select?

2 answers


use the Lbl_linkclicked.text object in the Linklabellinkclickedeventhandler function compare it to your Strings list;

int identificador = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < qtdresp; i++)
    if(trilhas.Rows[i]["duvida"].ToString() == Lbl_LinkClicked.Text)
        identificador = i;


if(identificador  != -1)
  //o i será seu identificador da string clicada.



And click event gets two parameters, sender and e which are respectively who shot the event and his arguments.

So if you access Sender, it will be the linklabel itself:

for (int i = 0; i < qtdresp; i++)
    System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel Lbl = 
        new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    Lbl.Name = "link"+i; //Definindo um nome chave para o controle, também é possível acessa-lo posteriomente.
    Lbl.Text = trilhas.Rows[i]["duvida"].ToString();
    Lbl.Tag = ""; //Use a Tag para algum dado associado ao controle
    Lbl.Top = pos;
    pos += 30;
    Lbl.Left = 20;
    Lbl.ForeColor = Color.Black;
    Lbl.Width = 250;
    Lbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight;
    Lbl.Font = new Font("Raleway", 10);
    Lbl.LinkClicked += (_sender,_e)=>{
         System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel linkLabel = _sender as System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel;
         string url = linkLabel.Tag.ToString();
         string texto = linkLabel.Text;
         string nome = linkLabel.Name;

You can use a Lambda operator and mount the event expression still within the scope of the control, and can access the variables within the for loop.

for (int i = 0; i < qtdresp; i++)
    System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel Lbl = 
        new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    Lbl.Name = "link"+i; //Definindo um nome chave para o controle, também é possível acessa-lo posteriomente.
    Lbl.Text = trilhas.Rows[i]["duvida"].ToString();
    Lbl.Top = pos;
    pos += 30;
    Lbl.Left = 20;
    Lbl.ForeColor = Color.Black;
    Lbl.Width = 250;
    Lbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight;
    Lbl.Font = new Font("Raleway", 10);
    Lbl.LinkClicked += (_sender,_e)=>{
       MessageBox.Show("Clicou no link" + i + "Url = "+trilhas.Rows[i]["url"].ToString());

Other ways of doing:


Lbl.LinkClicked += LinkLabel1_LinkClicked;


private void LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
        System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel linkLabel = sender as System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel;
         string url = linkLabel.Tag.ToString();
         string texto = linkLabel.Text;
         string nome = linkLabel.Name;
  • Excellent explanation! Thank you very much!

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