Hover does not overlap some images other yes


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The problem is that when I move the mouse the first image does not overlap the second, but the first is overlapping the first. And the image overlap some texts and others do not.

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        <h1>Sidereal News</h1>
        <h2>Um site para fãs de astronomia e engenharia aeroespacial</h2>
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1 answer


The question is very confusing. Running your code made it possible to understand what you are saying, but improve the text.

The CSS attribute that defines what appears in front when two elements have an intersection area is z-index. The higher the value, the higher the priority the element has to be displayed. Change the z-index in Hover to a higher value and the zoom element will appear in front of the others.

 .zoom:hover img{
        transform: scale(1.5);
        z-index: 100;
  • Dear thank you, sorry for the confusing question hehe.

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