Can I work with array in SQL SERVER?


Viewed 440 times


Hello fellow collaborators...

I have a server that has more than 100 banks, and most are of the same structure.

I would like to create a function, process or whatever. That could expedite my maintenance.

I thought about the possibility of having an array named after these banks, and reading this array and firing the necessary commands.

I haven’t gotten results yet, see the following code to see if you understand me:

DECLARE @arrayMinhaBase = [
    0 -> "nomeDoBancoUm",
    1 -> "nomeDoBancoDois",
    2 -> "nomeDoBancoTres",
    3 -> "nomeDoBancoQuatro",
    4 -> "nomeDoBancoCinco",
    5 -> "nomeDoBancoSeis"
    -- etc -> "nomeDoBanco"

DECLARE @totalBase int = 1; 
DECLARE @chave int; 

SET @chave = 0;
SET @totalBase = count(@arrayMinhaBase);

WHILE @chave <= @totalBase

    SELECT * FROM @arrayMinhaBase[$chave].nomeDaTabela;


Well, whatever I get the closest to expediting this process, I’m grateful. The above example I used a select, but most of the time it is to run an alter table or update.

  • Already took a look at sp_msforeachdb?

1 answer


  • Create a table type variable to store the name of the banks;
  • Enter the names of the banks you want to select values;
  • Scroll through the table with a cursor;
  • Use the function EXEC to execute a VARCHAR as command.

DECLARE @bancos TABLE(nome VARCHAR(100));
DECLARE @banco VARCHAR(100);

INSERT INTO @bancos VALUES('Loteria'),

DECLARE cursor_banco CURSOR FOR   
  SELECT b.nome
    FROM @bancos b;
OPEN cursor_banco;

FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_banco
INTO @banco;

  EXEC('SELECT * FROM ' + @banco + '.dbo.tabela');

  FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_banco   
  INTO @banco;
CLOSE cursor_banco;  
DEALLOCATE cursor_banco;
  • It worked perfectly, thank you very much. P.S. I don’t know how to close the topic, the question. Mark as solved etc...

  • @Pedrohsa just click on the green V next to my answer

  • @Pedrohsa are the 100 databases yours? The list of databases that is shown on SSMSare only yours and you have access to the database master?

  • Yes I got to see native SQL Server functions but none helped me. At @Sorack’s idea went well. I managed to organize my server.

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