Upload default photo if no photo is registered


Viewed 77 times


Hello, how do I upload a default photo for viewing if I haven’t registered a customer photo?

I bring the image to the viewing like this:

<img src="fotos/<?php echo $dados["foto"]; ?>" width='120' />
So if I don’t register a photo for the client, it will upload a default photo.

  • You can use: if..else, ternary or null coalesces Operator

  • Yes, but how? I tried some things and could not, so I asked here for some example in what I put

4 answers


If you are using PHP 7, you can use null coalescence operator to check if there is any value in your variable and, if not, display a default value.

<img src="fotos/<?= $dados["foto"] ?? "default.png" ?>" width='120' />

I also used to replace the structure <?php echo for <?=, which are equivalent.

See more in Difference between php <?php tags and <?=

Note: The image will be displayed default.png only if $dados["foto"] is null or not defined. Values such as "", false, etc would be considered valid. You can use the operator ?: or make all necessary conditions manually.


Make a IF...Else checking whether the value passed $dados["foto"] is null, you assign to the $dados["foto"] a standard image:

$dados["foto"] = "caminhodasuaimagem.extensão"


Hello, as mentioned in the comments, you can do this easily using if and else, follows an example:


if (!empty($dados['foto'])) { 
    echo "<img src='".$dados['foto']."'/>";

else {
    echo "<img src='linkdaimagempadrao.png'/>";


If there is data in the widget foto, will be displayed, if not, the image of the else. Remembering that I would need to be inside a while and passing the correct parameters.

Always put in the full code, to facilitate the people who will help you, and help yourself to review your code.


Samuel solved yes, yesterday I had found a solution, and it works here in php 7.3, but I found its code cleaner. What I had put down was this.

<?php if($foto){ ?>

<img src="fotos/<?php echo $dados["foto"]; ?>" width='120' />

  <?php }else{ ?>
<img src="fotos/sem_foto.jpg" width='120'>

<?php } ?>

Today I took yours and adapted.


if (!empty($dados['foto'])) { 
    echo "<img src='fotos/".$dados['foto']."' width='120'/>";

    echo "<img src='fotos/sem_foto.jpg' width='120'/>";


I don’t know if the two are okay, they work, but I don’t know which is the best, although I find your cleaner

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