Typeerror: Contacts.map is not a Function


Viewed 123 times


Hello, I searched on the subject and saw that it may be an error that may be due to not receiving an array. However, I put to be returned an array in the API, can be consulted here https://agendaapplp3.herokuapp.com/contatos

only that in the part of React appears this error, "TypeError: contacts.map is not a function". follows the code:

   const ListContacts: React.FC = () => {
   const [contacts, setContacts] = useState <ContactsProps[]>([]);

   async function getContacts(){
       const response = await api.get<ContactsProps[]>("/contatos");

the error is in this part below.


to connect the api, I used Axios

    import axios from "axios";

    const api = axios.create({

    export default api;

I’m new to React, which may be?

  • You shouldn’t put in your setContacts as response.data.results? 'cause yeah your results and an array.

  • placed and appeared to me that Property 'Results' does not exist on type 'Contactsprops[]'. TS2339 If you get ahead of something, my Contactsprops[] looks like this: interface Contactsprops{ id:number; name:string; email:string; phone:string; idlocal:number; idtype;}

1 answer


I solved your problem, I think, by putting a interface to the Response, and in the setContacts we put response.data.results. In this way:

interface ContactsProps {
  id: number;
  nome: string;
  email: string;
  telefone: string;
  idlocal: number;
  idtipocontato: number;

interface Response { // Uma interface para o Response.
  data: {
    results: [];

const api = axios.create({
  baseURL: 'https://agendaapplp3.herokuapp.com',

const ListContacts: React.FC = () => {
  const [contacts, setContacts] = useState<ContactsProps[]>([]);

  async function getContacts() {
    const response: Response = await api.get('/contatos'); // informamos ao TS que a resposta tera o formado do Response.

    setContacts(response.data.results); // set dos arrays para o contacts
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
      {contacts &&
        contacts.map((contact: ContactsProps) => (
          <tr key={Math.random()}>

export default ListContacts;

Try the tests. I hope I’ve helped.

  • Caraca, really, thank you! But could you explain? How I said I’m starting in React and why the way I did was wrong?

  • in your previous comment: coloquei e me apareceu isso Property 'results' does not exist on type 'ContactsProps[]'. TS2339, Voce tried to assign the interface ContactsProps at the response?. That interface of Response It wasn’t even necessary, I just put it in when I was testing your code and when I did it at first, it worked. But explaining in a simple way, the server interface for Voce explicar pro TS as will be the structure of a particular object. So I spoke pro TS that the response would have the property data and within date we would have the results array-type.

  • I get it, thank you!

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