How to return a data even if the table has no data


Viewed 63 times


I wonder if there is any way to return a value even if the result of the query is null, for example in the query below I try to return the id 0 case to table1 be it null. I tried to use CROSS JOIN but did not have good results.

SELECT COALESCE(, 0) id_tabela FROM table1 tab WHERE IS NULL

  • I don’t see any scenario that returning a "fake record" would be a good thing. Why do you want this?

  • What do you mean? "Spontaneous generation"? Coming out of nowhere?

  • I am building a report, but if the line of my select returns a null value I need to create a fake line with zeroed values, I thought to do this in Java, but it would give me a lot of work, so I’m trying to solve via select. @Tiedttech

  • Maybe what you need is to use the function COALESCE. But see that you are not creating something nonexistent is only replacing the display of NULL values. I don’t see where a CROSS JOIN would help your problem.

  • So what I’m looking for is a way to create this data, and as I said, COALESCE, not helping

  • I made a simple example at! 15/eb4fb/4. Look if this is what you want? The only problem with this SQL is that it will have to replicate the where

  • It’s okay to replicate where, in my case, I think your solution solves my problem. Thank you so much for helping, and sorry for any wrong post formatting or lack of clarity. @Tiedttech

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1 answer


You can write a Function for this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION esta_vazia() RETURNS text language plpgsql as $_$
    registros record;
    SELECT *
      INTO registros
      FROM table1;

    IF (registros isnull) THEN
        RETURN 'a tabela está vazia';
    END IF;

    RETURN 'Tabela ocupada';


To test if the result uses:

select esta_vazia();

Note the result

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