Good afternoon,
I’m back from a JEE project where I used jms and the server is wildfly 8.0. I’ve been working on this exception for a while, but I haven’t been able to figure it out yet. I don’t think I lack any configuration in jboss but honestly I already lack ideas.. someone who has more experience that can help me.
He seems to kick ass in this area of the code:
Document doc;
doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Element main = doc.getElementById("main");
Elements links = main.getElementsByClass("overview-top");
Java server connection code:
connectionFactoryLookupAddress = new String("jms/RemoteConnectionFactory");
destinationLookupAddress = new String("jms/topic/Catalog");
environment = new Properties();
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "testuser");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "is");
environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory");
environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http-remoting://");
environment.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", true);
InitialContext iCtx = new InitialContext(environment);
this.cf = (ConnectionFactory) iCtx.lookup(connectionFactoryLookupAddress);
this.t = (Destination) iCtx.lookup(destinationLookupAddress);
this.c = this.cf.createConnection(environment.getProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL),
this.s = this.c.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
this.mp = this.s.createProducer(this.t);
The log of Widfly:
Someone who can give me some hint ?
Thank you for your attention
You can post the full stacktrace?
– Victor Stafusa
I edited the post with larger stacktrace description.
– user2989745
I have no idea what it could be. Make a copy of your project, and try to dismantle and reduce the application, piece by piece, until you have a minimum application whose only purpose is to demonstrate the problem and where nothing else can be removed. When you achieve this, you will probably end up either understanding the problem, or finding a way to eliminate it, or isolate its cause.
– Victor Stafusa
Okay, fought anyway. I’ve been back here, but it’s hard.. is that it only happens once, I have several threads that continue to work normally.. only the first time you run Jsoup it gives the exception, the others works without problems .. but I will continue here to try ;)
– user2989745
The mistake is really quite strange. I think you must be mistaken about the error in the Jsoup excerpt, because there is nothing there that can cause this exception, unless the excerpt is running inside an EJB and the log is masking the original exception. One of the ways to identify the problem with mysterious errors is to put
at all and manually log the possible errors, because sometimes frameworks capture an exception and release another that has nothing to do with the original.– utluiz
Yeah, it doesn’t sound like ksoup either, but he decides to share where it really pops. Although it is a multi thread world so nd this is very right. The problem will have no relation to widlfly’s timeout ? I’ve heard this tip over the internet but what I’ve set up didn’t seem to be around... I’ll still return to Exp more Try{} catch .. but disassemble the code again..
– user2989745
I’ve already been around the code.. As far as I understand they have to do with widlfly configuration.. Because I’ve already commented on part of the code, and I’ve noticed that the exception happens when the code is a little slower. It seems to me that it’s version compatibility problem.. but I’m not sure yet ..
– user2989745